That ruling was specific to civil cases yes, but more particularly to retaining images by the county and the county clerk's and not allowing those hired to image to bulk sale the images anymore. That the county is to retain exclusive ownership of all documents. Given my legal background, I'll tell you right now - any attorney fighting sensitive information cases will use that case as a basis to their lawsuit. And it is in my personal knowledge these cases are being fought currently by county clerks in lawsuits with title companies and is currently in the current legislative session specifically pertaining to public records in the real property records. Soon we will know if it passed or not. My understanding is almost every senator was appaulled that their life was splashed on the internet and that they believe that not one citizen of the united states wants their lives splashed on the internet. At the very last that civil case does pertain to the judgments, divorce decrees, etc filed in the real property records and therefore directly affects those documents.
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