This is Rich of "Monica and Rich."
Thank you so much to all of our friends at SOT. Particular thanks to Doug and Judy who have written to us more than we can recall.
I have been doing title related searches for over 20 years (since I started law school) and I cannot think of a better resource than SOT. Robert, you deserve far more than you have received. I have run several web sites and know, first hand, how much the operating costs can be. Check your email tomorrow as we will be your latest enhancements. It is the least that Monica and I can do.
Again, thanks to all my SOT friends for your good thoughts. I never thought at age 43 that I would be having heart surgery. The support, backing and know-how of my best friend and love of my life, Monica, and the "good vibes," nice emails and thoughts of everyone is inspiring. Thanks to all.
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