Yes this post has been interesting and I have been reading more than responding because I just wanted to listen more before I respond. This is what I would do as a business owner - like the original post said - she gave notice to her clients - but like her I would not give notice to everyone I have marketed to - just the consistent ones. I will say that while companies don't always call me when a recording needs to take place, they will if they want it to take place that day. And I will say one thing - one company hadn't sent me work for like 7 months and then boom on the front porch there is a recording. Had I gone on vacation, I would not had notified this company as I hadn't heard from them in awhile. It could have gone bad if I was gone but I wasn't and it was recorded and update timely faxed that day. I will say for some reason, some of my companies will never call me on my cell phone even if they haven't received a return call from the office phone. Now if you don't receive a phone call back wouldn't you assume you need to contact the person another way? I will say if am gone, I do have someone check my faxes and calls but ya (Texan-lol) know what - I never thought about having them check the front for packages - but I will now - glad it never happened to me. If you all cannot use another abstractor to check your office - one is not close to you or you fear them taking your clients - find a stay-at-home mom in the neighborhood who will check your office or home office, if that is the case, $25 or $50 extra bucks to them is a goldmine - you would be helping yourself and someone else too! To me, my clients are worth a small fee to pay while I'm gone to make sure they are taken care of. I think most abstracting business have at least a part-time person to be available while they are gone but there are still those starting out and I remember those days - you are a do-it-all until you can build your client base. I think we all remember those days!
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