FINALLY!!..someone who understands what i am trying to say....thanks for putting it so i am struggling to get that point across.....there are always options...vacation is not out of the today HIGH TECH society, we have emails...telephones....faxes..all kinds of ways to let our clients know we will not be available. We've all made one is perfect...but to go on a website and push our mistake on someone else--makes us as title examiners look really REALLY bad....its just plain good business sense to have a plan for going out of town and notifying your clients.....I do think it is UNFAIR if a client does NOT call and tell you that they are sending you a document to be would I know...someone else made the point that we do hundreds of searches..but they don't necessarily close..we don't care because we get paid regardless (at least i do from my clients)...but we don't know when to expect the documents to put them on record....
There are better ways of working together as a team with attorneys and title companys--u catch more flies with honey than vinegar
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