yea "helpy helperton"--first of all--i never EVER said the loan had to re-close....what I SAID was that if the original deed of trust(that's what we call them here in the great state of nc) is "LOST"....and by "LOST" i mean NOT ON RECORD..."MIA"...then you would have to get a NEW DEED OF TRUST RE-EXECUTED BY THE BORROWER (that's like a 20-25 in NC) and record that one...WHICH, by the sound of the last post from that companys president--is EXACTLY what happened..there SURELY WOULD BE ADDED EXPENSES...not to mention the PEE POOR customer service that would presented to the buyer/borrower.....THEN that NEW DEED OF TRUST would have to be recorded...and again, it sounds like from that fellas post that they had to find SOMEONE else in the interim to get the dot signed, notarized updated and recorded...and it sounds to me like it cost them MORE THAN $ let's move on, shall we?
I understand all your "legalese"...its not that hard to interpret...It's coming from a strictly textbook opinion..nothing wrong with that..however, in the REAL WORLD..(and i've seen it happen to SEVERAL different attorneys in NC) the lender would rather sue the attorney or title company and their underwriter..rather than going thru all the steps you so generously laid out for moi! Then the title company or attorney--as the case may be..turns in a claim to their E&O insurance..don't know if that is something Ya'll have up there...but it is SUPPOSED to protect you from malpractice issues or "ERRORS and/ or OMISSIONS"...but just like ANY OTHER TYPE OF INSURANCE....they pay the claim..raise your premiums and/or DROP YOU.....not to mention you lose the privilege of being an approved underwriter for the insurance company....
Not sure where you "hostility" comes from....maybe its a childhood issue...the point is...the recordation of security instruments CANNOT be taken as lightly as the people on this website AND YOU seem to be taking it...there is a reason why lenders require their docs be recorded.....there is a reason for the whole process....not just a lawyer somewhere...bored in the middle of the night...with nothing better to do than think up ways to make the process more complicated......
THAT is MY point....Nope..i didn't go to law school....NOPE...not trying to "pontificate and speak Ex Cathedra"...just trying to let YOU know how it really works--plain and simple....simple speak for us "ignorant" folks who didn't go to law school.....
NO hard feelings dude--really--ease up on my poo!!!!!
One more thing before i depart from this LOVELY group of whiners.....if you cannot HANDLE being spoke to in a straight-forward are PROBABLY in the wrong profession!!
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