Well,for starters,I'm definitely not a she.Secondly, just from what I've seen here so far,you people have spent more time being concerned with BS than what you should actually be doing.The only reason I even entered this sight was due to the fact that I was looking for other companies to do business with. I've been able to rule out a few for sure, just from what I've read here, Secured not being on of them.You all need to quit whining about it all..sure attorneys and title companies are SOB's..but its called WORK for a reason.....go ahead waste your time bitchin about everything--meanwhile back in my office--i will be stealing all your business... and a BTW---could you give me the contact info for all the people you Don't want to do business for--i will be glad to do searches for them.In the mean time,continue you petty bawling and keep wasting you're time here instead of concentrating on the customers needs. My name, by the way, is Alexander Chittenden. You can look me up( seeing as you have nothing better to do) and send me those client lists. I will gladly perform my duties for them and do my job properly,
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