I am like you as far as taking time off. No matter how badly we
need it , I myself feel guilty if I take off even one day! I have not
taken a full week off, (and thats the most I have EVER taken)
since 2000. There are just too many people out there ready to
take your business. When I do take more than one day, I send
out faxes to all of my regular customers and ask that they sign and
fax the notice back. I start this about a week and a half before
I leave. I make sure everyone has faxed me back, or I have spoken
with someone verbally before I leave. This has always worked for
me in the past. If a mortgage is sent to me anyway, at least I have
something in writing to prove that notice was given, and received,
and there should be no penalty for any mistake made by someone
else. Don't short yourself some time off. One day added to a
week-end is not a vacation. We all need time off once in awhile.
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