As to the title searchers who do not search online away from the recorder's/registries' offices, you need to understand that those that do search online are probably producing the exact same product that you are. Online searchers should have the knowledge of the county that they are searching and the knowledge of the computer system that they are utilizing to have the skills to perform the search. And that is what it all boils down to: Whether or not the title searchers have the skills to get the product done, not what source was used. As I said my county has a hand full of title searchers who make it their civic duty to admonish those that do title searches online, be it an independent abstractor or an attorney's office. Their idle tongues have harmed some attorney's offices as to their business. Some attorneys send their title searchers to the registry just to "save face".
Thank you so much - this is THE point that I have made all along. All of the security issues are legitimate gripes, but even if they are fixed tomorrow, someone who does not know how to put together a search will not be able to complete one accurately either in the county or from a website.
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