:-) you are right, I know..... I am a one person shop too... and it is hard to take time off.... I am having a sick day today which is why I am writing so much.... no one understands that I can be sick sometimes. It is a stomach thing so I have to stay home today. Hopefully it will run its course today. I have three searches screaming at me plus one law firm wanting their lineup done today.
The lawyers that I know usually get only one document signed and notarized in their office and then expect the document to be rushed to the registry for recording. That's the old school way. I think that she was dealing with a law firm. The VMC's that I work with never call me in advance either, however, if I have not contacted them by the end of the day, my phone is ringing from them wanting the recording info. Usually, my cell phone works when I am on vacation and I have a back up plan in place to where someone covers recordings and searches for me when I am out of town. Next friday I will be out of town and my cell phone will not work in that area. I am dreading that but this is why I will only be gone one day instead of two.
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