You said "Lisa Ramsey's and David Bloys' posts have exhibited a complete lack of understanding of the wider issues concerning online searching."
Did we? What is the source of your greater understanding? I documented my understanding of online sources, the dangers, the accuracy or lack thereof coming directly from the online sources. I provided links to many of the sources of my information. You replied with your understanding of the system used in New York city. I will and have granted you probably have a greater understanding of their online system. But where does your understanding of the wider issues come from? Exactly what are these wider issues? I see the wider issues as being accuracy of the information provided online, security risks to the communities and citizens, and the security threat to our industry when searches are done remotely by people with little understanding of the differences between an online source and the official public records provided at the Courthouse.
I have repeatedly cited the sources of the information I provided. I have seen no citations from you as regards to your understanding of anything outside the city of New York. I have already granted you would have greater understanding within your local jurisdiction than someone outside your community.
But where is your greater understanding of anything, online or otherwise outside of the City of New York? Where is your understanding of the requirements of any of our clients except the requirements of your own employer?
My understanding comes from research that began when I taught computerized research for the local university. Later, I taught former law enforcement officers how to find and access subscription databases. These databases were not available online then but available only by dialup subscription. The reason they were not online is there simply was no "online". This was long before browsers became available that made the Internet popular.I was teaching digital access when Rebecca Shaefer was killed. An irresponsible investigator had recklessly sold her "public information" to a man who had stalked her for years. The result was the Driver Protection Act adopted in California, and many other states.
My research and understanding of the online searching, computerized databases and online seaches has continued to grow over the past 15 years. This past year has been particularly intense as I have been approached by attorneys, legislators, elected officials, and news agencies.My research has led me to understand both the problems, and possible legal and technological solutions.
If you dispute my research and understanding, do some research of your own to dispute it. But calling me a "sorry *ss", "stereotypical Texan" with "suspect motives" and "no understanding" of how business is done in the rest of the country doesn't convince me you have understanding of anything except your own opinion.
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