Personally, I don't use the online records locally as I find the system at the courthouse faster and more manageable. The online records are here are based on the same input as those at the courthouse, just formatted a bit differently. The online records are not reindexed by an outside vendor. I know of several good, experienced examiners that use the online service most of the time.
I think the primary reason our online site contains a disclaimer is to protect the vendor that established and maintains the site from liability regarding indexing errors made by the county employees. Last I checked, the recorders in Ohio post a $2000.00 bond, and this is the extent of their liability for errors. It would be foolish for the site management company to assume a greater degree of liability regarding the accuracy of the records.
One of the things I really enjoy about SOT is learning about all the different systems available across the country, both online and in the courthouses. I find all the various quirks in what needs to be checked, how and where, fascinating.
It has reinforced my feeling that if you aren't local, you probably are not running the records properly.
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