You can have all the skill you want in the State of Texas but doing online searches where I am you would not do a competent search. I was certified in real estate law - have combined years of 25 (since 1980) of legal, real estate and business ownership - I would not attempt an online search. Our online sources do not have the ability to run any other way except grantor/grantee. Without the added search capability that is only allowed at the courthouse - you cannot find releases, assignments and misindexed documents caused by misspelled names - i.e., a grossly incompetent search. An attack on me is improper as I said way up there that I did not realize that there was any county that had all the elements of - done by county just as in the county, indexed the same as at the courthouse, and had all search capabilities as at the courthouse. The only people in my counties that I know of that are doing online searching didn't know the different search capabilities in the first place so they THINK it is the same and those companies attempting to perform searches long distance also thinking they know everything and they only thing they are doing is creating a terribly high liability for themselves and their companies and screwing up our county's records by having lenders file the same documents 2 and 3 times because they are reporting "no-finds" when the documents are actually there but are unfound because of online searching. I am not in your county or your state - but I have to agree with David - something has to be different for them to have a disclaimer on your sites - do you see them at the courthouse? I also agree that by utilizing it they will somehow be able to weasle out of any claim you make that something was indexed wrong and therefore was not found. I would find that to be too high liability for me to take the chance - if you do not - take the chance. The only thing I can really not agree with whether I am in your state or not is that from 2003 you cannot get any records at the courthouse - county clerks are liable for the records that are filed with them and have to maintain records. I may have misunderstood your statement.
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