Hey Jonathan,
As a NALTEA board member, please let me clarify. The two individuals you have mentioned are NOT NALTEA members. I think that when Lisa started the thread she was inquiring whether or not NALTEA permitted online searching.
You don't want to join if NALTEA is against online searching and she probably doesn't want to join if NALTEA is in favor of online searching. The ironic thing is that neither of you are members and, therefore, don't have a vote on NALTEA positions.
I am a member and hold a position on the board, however, I cannot speak for NALTEA as a whole on this issue. I think many of our members are divided on the subject due to different experiences with different systems around the country. Personally, I think the objective of NALTEA is to improve the quality, service, and ultimately the perception of the abstracting profession. Whether you search at the courthouse, or on a computer in your office, so long as you are providing a reliable product, satisfying your customers, and you are willing to put your E&O on the line for the work you do - you are OK in my book.
Robert A. Franco
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