- Perhaps you should attend our June conference and see for yourself what NALTEA is all about.
- Perhaps you should go to our web site and read our mission statement. Perhaps you should email one of the board members or a chair person and ask what our plans may be.
- Perhaps you should learn about our organization before telling us what we should be doing.
- Perhaps you should join and become active on a committee to help us
- We are in fact trying to understand the entire country's different systems.
- We are trying to educate abstractors to reduce claims
- We are trying to make clients and lenders and nsurance companies aware that abstractors need to be taken as professionals in this industry and that we are not the 'bottom feeders' by creating the certification program
- We are trying to create better relations with other organizations, such as ALTA and AFFN, to better help each other improve our working relations
- We are working on better E&O rates
- We are working on education for the experienced abstractor to keep up with industry changes
Perhaps Jonathan, you should not assume every one in NALTEA is against searching online because we understand that in some areas of the country, this is THE ONLY WAY to do it. We may all agree that being online is a security issue, it should be Clerk's doing the indexing, it should be accessed by user names and passwords to track who uses it, etc, etc, etc.
I could go on and on why it should not be PUBLIC, but computerizing the indexes saves us all time and energy by not pulling those awful books. As long as the people entering the information do it accurately.
In my conclusion, you need to educate yourself about things such as NALTEA so you understand where we are coming from and where we want to go and how we want to get there before you just assume what we do and why we do it.
Shannon Blatt
Education & Training Committee
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