My education and work experience helped me get where I am today. I have a degree in Natural Resource Management, which includes Surveying, Mapping, and GIS training. Based on my education, I was hired to work for the County in land records, (Plat Room) doing land ownership recordation and transfers, and drafting land splits. I left the Plat Room to have a baby, and people started asking me to do research and help with their projects. I now search land records full time and have my own company. I also have continued to expand my education, passed the Montana Real Estate Person sales exam, bought some classes on disc, taken classes at the community college, and have taken temporary part-time positions at the Clerk and Recorder's Office, GIS Dept, and back in the Plat Room when they were really bogged down last year. My advice would be to build your education and check out job postings for your County Office. Sometimes they are looking for people with no experience like a "blank slate" tht they can train completely the way they want. The knowledge I gained as a County employee is an invaluable resource, and I wouldn't be doing what I am today (abstracting) with out that training. I actually never thought I'd leave the Plat Room, but a baby changes everything. I am busy everyday and happy. Best of luck to you in reaching your goal.
Kim Haase
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