I didn't see this one, but FOX had one on The Covutto Report. The folks they interviewed did agree we are at the top of the market, but didn't see a bubble coming. I think RE prices may deminish a bit over time but we have to remember the Real Estate market is primarily driven by supply and demand. Then by the social-economic factor in that specific area. I really have not seen any indication the demand has slowed down here in the North East. The other factor is that mortgage rates contiue to be at an all-time low even with the slight increases. Lenders are also able to offer some very attractive packages to the sub-prime market (which is huge). Don't forget this is were a majority of our business comes from! More people can qualify for a mortgage than ever before, so it just increases demand. Realtors are alos influencing people that didn't think they could afford a home. People go into a Real Estate Agency looking for a rent and walk out buying their first home. Although people are saying the refi wave is over, we are still doing a great deal of refi searches.
It will be intresting to watch over the next year.
Robert B.
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