I dont know the % of counties in VA but in VA there are 2 types of computers indexes being used by the counties. One is the VA Supreme Court System and another is a more user friendly version only used by a few counties like Appomattox, Buckingham, Powhatan, etc. I know for a lot that the computer is the only way to access documents, there are no books. Other counties like Amherst and Charlotte are still book form only. No computers at all. Im pretty sure that is going to change soon tho as Va State Law will require all counties to be online by July 2006. Right now there is only a handful of counties online, and all are fee based. (Usually about $100 a month, some as cheap as $25.) One thing that a couple of VA counties are doing is requiring that the documents be notarized in order to receive access. I dont know if that is going to be a statewide requirement or not. You either have to go to a notary or do it at the courthouse. I know its still not an ideal system, but its an improvement over "Pay and you have access" or "Free online acess at....."
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