It isn't likely the town clerk will address this issue at all. She probably isn't even aware of the issues. She has been sold on the benefits of the "software" and the salespeople are not likely to have notified her she will be losing control over the images. She may not be aware the imaging company will claim ownership and control of all the images. The software company will own and control the indexes.
In other words she probably doesn't realize she didn't buy anything except the right to use the software. She is selling the sensitive information and documented lives of her constituents down the river and into the vaste ocean of the World Wide Webb. Other companies will demand she deliver all the digitized records to them at cost of reproduction and she will be threatened with a lawsuit if she resists.
The Hale County Clerk made this same mistake and has asked for Texas Attorney to protect her community.
Four counties in Michigan are being sued in Federal Court by companies wanting to seize all of their digitized records at cost.
Hamilton County Ohio is being sued by an identity theft victim whose identity was stolen from their online records. It was the police there who first asked the County to remove the records from online viewing when a ring of identity thieves admitted they had stolen the identities from the online public records.
It will be suprising if your Town clerk was told any of this by the salesman who sold her the software. In effect she is selling her office and all of it's contents. Even worse, she is paying the software company to take it.
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