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Do you BLOG? - Donna Grady/NC
4/2/2005 12:55:34 AM (2668 views)

tax man cometh - Donna Grady/NC
4/2/2005 12:47:40 AM (1864 views)
Re: tax man cometh - David Bloys/TX
4/2/2005 7:46:47 AM (2421 views)
Re: tax man cometh - Lisa Ramsey/TX
4/2/2005 10:52:47 AM (2367 views)
Re: tax man cometh - Lisa Ramsey/TX
4/2/2005 10:53:20 AM (2285 views)
Re: tax man cometh - Deborah Manion/VA
4/4/2005 9:04:26 AM (3835 views)
Re: tax man cometh - Lisa Ramsey/TX
4/4/2005 1:44:57 PM (2270 views)
Re: tax man cometh - george Hubka/MI
4/4/2005 5:59:23 PM (2265 views)

New Message Forum Feature - Slade Smith/OH
4/1/2005 3:09:11 PM (1931 views)
Re: New Message Forum Feature - James "Lin" Toney/MS
4/1/2005 6:51:09 PM (2191 views)
Re: New Message Forum Feature - Lisa Ramsey/TX
4/1/2005 9:24:12 PM (2217 views)

Commercial Abstracts - Deborah Manion/VA
4/1/2005 9:12:18 AM (1995 views)
Re: Commercial Abstracts - Shannon Blatt/VA
4/1/2005 10:12:58 AM (2369 views)
Re: Commercial Abstracts - Judy Nisonger/CA
4/2/2005 11:27:18 PM (2315 views)

short timelines - Douglas Gallant/OH
3/31/2005 7:33:40 PM (1904 views)
Re: short timelines - Lisa Ramsey/TX
3/31/2005 9:20:43 PM (2312 views)
Re: short timelines - george Hubka/MI
3/31/2005 10:07:17 PM (2336 views)
Re: short timelines - Douglas Gallant/OH
4/1/2005 8:35:09 AM (2306 views)

Real Title Services

Advice about Titlesearch USA - christine hughes/MA
3/31/2005 3:59:21 PM (2182 views)
Re: Advice about Titlesearch USA - christine hughes/MA
3/31/2005 4:00:17 PM (2535 views)
Re: Advice about Titlesearch USA - Danielle Nelson/WI
3/31/2005 4:58:17 PM (2560 views)
Re: Advice about Titlesearch USA - Barbara Bennett/IN
3/31/2005 5:20:53 PM (2504 views)
Re: Advice about Titlesearch USA - george Hubka/MI
3/31/2005 10:19:44 PM (2481 views)
Re: Advice about Titlesearch USA - Douglas Gallant/OH
4/1/2005 8:16:04 PM (2530 views)
Re: Advice about Titlesearch USA - george Hubka/MI
4/1/2005 8:55:54 PM (2428 views)
Re: Advice about Titlesearch USA - Douglas Gallant/OH
4/2/2005 11:04:09 PM (2466 views)
Re: Advice about Titlesearch USA - george Hubka/MI
4/4/2005 6:06:40 PM (2400 views)
Re: Advice about Titlesearch USA - Lynn Hammett/SC
4/6/2005 7:41:21 PM (2437 views)
Re: Advice about Titlesearch USA - Julie Jasiunas/WI
3/31/2005 8:23:00 PM (2473 views)
Re: Advice about Titlesearch USA - Aimee Raines Raines/VA
3/31/2005 9:39:55 PM (2497 views)
Re: Advice about Titlesearch USA - Lisa Ramsey/TX
4/1/2005 10:59:03 AM (2442 views)
Re: Advice about Titlesearch USA - Michaela Urban/OH
4/1/2005 11:05:36 AM (2507 views)
Re: Advice about Titlesearch USA - george Hubka/MI
4/1/2005 8:59:25 PM (2468 views)

Easy Enhancement - Kim Haase/MT
3/31/2005 3:20:02 PM (1564 views)

SOT is awesome - Deborah Manion/VA
3/30/2005 4:55:35 PM (1977 views)
Re: SOT is awesome - george Hubka/MI
3/30/2005 9:58:59 PM (2424 views)
Re: SOT is awesome - Shannon Blatt/VA
3/30/2005 10:40:31 PM (2381 views)
Re: SOT is awesome - James "Lin" Toney/MS
3/31/2005 2:56:49 AM (2403 views)
Re: SOT is awesome - Robert Franco/OH
3/31/2005 10:15:30 AM (2384 views)
Re: SOT is awesome - Lisa Ramsey/TX
3/31/2005 10:37:06 AM (2373 views)
Re: SOT is awesome - James "Lin" Toney/MS
3/31/2005 7:40:51 PM (2403 views)
Re: SOT is awesome - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
3/31/2005 10:33:37 PM (2415 views)

Hey Lin,

You caught me at 10:00 p.m. after just walking into my home office after our quarterly meeting...very long day, however, I have just about enough energy to deal with what I have "perceived" to be a statement directed at me ("self appointed board proctor"...hhmmm, that is exactly what another abstractor from your state whom you are very close to called me...I think you know him???).  If it is not directed at me, then I am happy to see others on this site take pride in how the industry they work in is perceived via the grammar and spelling within the posts of other industry "professionals" on a NATIONAL LEVEL.

Once again, you obviously have not taken the time to read my threads from the past.  You state in your latest post, "....we seem to have some people here who go out of their way to jump on anyone who makes a spelling error in a post.."

Just for you, I am going to attempt to restate my position on spelling and grammar in relation to NATIONALLY LISTED THREADS!  Here it goes:  If you choose to represent your business and the product/service it offers via poor grammar, spelling errors, etc., please take into consideration how it makes the rest of us look in the eyes of client base professionals.

It is not hard to run spell check and proof your posts prior to submitting them.  Equally, it is not hard to verify the Book and Page of a Deed prior to sending the information to the client.  However, if you are not one to proof the first, do you actually believe potential clients will feel confident that you will proof the second?

When "typos" or "unproofed" work is transmitted, it begins casting a poor light on the human abstractor, thus, potentially swaying said client to use on-line services (because hey, computers NEVER make mistakes).  It is all perception, however, I am sure you can understand how difficult it is to expect a client base professional to hang on after they have heard "hey, we are all human and make mistakes" time, after time, after time.  Sooner or later, human error will be replaced by on-line data.  We are watching it happen right in front of our faces every day.  

All in all, we all make mistakes.  None of us are perfect, nor, ever will be.  However, running spell check and proof reading our personal threads prior to sending them may just make ourselves and others in this industry look better to the client base.  They may even say, "hey, if the guy takes pride in his NATIONALLY POSTED THREADS, then he/she must take pride in the product/service I am going to receive from his/her company.

Trust me, I am not an english teacher (however, my wife is).  I hold a Master's Degree in Business Management, not literature or english history or the evolution of writing.  I am not perfect, nor do I expect anyone to be.  I do, however, feel strongly in perception and taking pride in my industry.   

The abstractors who provide searches to my company, Statewide Settlement, Inc. do take pride in their product.  Believe me, if they did not take a moment to review chain, spelling and grammar, they would not receive orders from us.  End of discussion. 

Finally, yet most importantly, to HUMAN client base professionals like me who operate on a national level, always looking for abstractors, signing agents, attorney's and other industry professionals across the country, (NOT the on-line predators that we hear horror stories about), commitment and pride in product and service is represented in many ways......sometimes, least of which are turn around times and fees.


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Re: SOT is awesome - george Hubka/MI
3/31/2005 10:43:13 PM (2515 views)

Oh My Could it Have Been? - Lisa Ramsey/TX
3/30/2005 8:55:51 AM (1933 views)
Re: Oh My Could it Have Been? - David Bloys/TX
3/30/2005 12:31:11 PM (2261 views)

Title Companies Active in Connecticut - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/30/2005 7:17:54 AM (1939 views)
Re: Title Companies Active in Connecticut - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/30/2005 7:29:15 AM (2409 views)

Internet Related Fraudulent Deeds in Florida - David Bloys/TX
3/29/2005 8:35:37 PM (2871 views)
Belgium Authorities also investigating - David Bloys/TX
3/29/2005 8:59:33 PM (3445 views)

New York State Abstractors - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
3/29/2005 7:52:54 PM (1566 views)

3/29/2005 6:09:36 PM (2052 views)
Re: DHL aka AIRBORNE EXPRESS - Robert Breakell/CT
3/29/2005 8:02:58 PM (2569 views)
Re: DHL aka AIRBORNE EXPRESS - Shannon Blatt/VA
3/29/2005 10:32:21 PM (2619 views)
Re: DHL aka AIRBORNE EXPRESS - Norean Cashwell/GA
3/30/2005 2:35:56 PM (2514 views)
Re: DHL aka AIRBORNE EXPRESS - Thomas Moens/IL
3/31/2005 11:52:44 AM (2551 views)
Re: DHL aka AIRBORNE EXPRESS - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
4/1/2005 12:22:10 PM (2451 views)

Adobe Acrobat Pro 7.0 - Amanda Fuller/TX
3/29/2005 4:28:44 PM (1771 views)
Re: Adobe Acrobat Pro 7.0 - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
3/29/2005 5:48:53 PM (2341 views)
Re: Adobe Acrobat Pro 7.0 - Amanda Fuller/TX
3/29/2005 8:22:06 PM (2288 views)

E & O Insurance.... Help - Israel/FL
3/29/2005 1:47:38 PM (1932 views)
Re: E & O Insurance.... Help - Spencer Kinsey/AR
3/29/2005 2:03:37 PM (2463 views)
Re: E & O Insurance.... Help - Sandra Morton/KS
3/29/2005 5:25:15 PM (2427 views)
Re: E & O Insurance.... Help - Donna Grady/NC
3/29/2005 11:30:41 PM (2478 views)
Re: E & O Insurance.... Help - David Chisolm/MS
3/29/2005 7:06:16 PM (2474 views)
Re: E & O Insurance.... Help - george Hubka/MI
3/29/2005 11:55:07 PM (2439 views)
Re: E & O Insurance.... Help - Robert Breakell/CT
3/31/2005 8:31:22 AM (2386 views)
Re: E & O Insurance.... Help - Judy Nisonger/CA
3/31/2005 11:01:27 AM (2350 views)
Re: E & O Insurance.... Help - Jack Page/VA
3/31/2005 3:01:32 PM (2425 views)
Re: E & O Insurance.... Help - Shannon Blatt/VA
3/31/2005 5:34:46 PM (2295 views)
Re: E & O Insurance.... Help - James "Lin" Toney/MS
3/31/2005 7:13:46 PM (2321 views)
Re: E & O Insurance.... Help - Shannon Blatt/VA
3/31/2005 10:54:14 PM (2332 views)
Re: E & O Insurance.... Help - James "Lin" Toney/MS
3/31/2005 10:57:37 PM (2338 views)
Re: E & O Insurance.... Help - Lynn Hammett/SC
4/6/2005 7:44:25 PM (2292 views)

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