Dear Lisa,
I guess sometimes things that sound so simple, can be very confusing. I have been abstracting for almost 10 years now, so no, I realize you cannot have a program abstract for you.
I am trying to find a program where I can carry my laptop with me to the courthouse, type in the info while I search, is user friendly, where you could tab to different fields on a form and not use the mouse alot and then it inputs the info in the form and has pull down menus, etc for special cases and maybe even indexes the search, invoicing would also be geat. We (the many abstractors in the courthouse I do my abstracting) all have been talking about how to come up with one that would work. I have tried making one with several programs myself, but they always wind up being too time consuming and I revert to the pen and paper method and then go back to the office and type everything in so it is nice and neat.
I know Scott Perry posted a while back, maybe a year ago, that he was in the process of making one. I know nothing about programing and have only tried with the basic forms programs.
Anyhow....I know there was a lot of discussion on here a while ago about programs and I simply wanted to know if anyone actually found one they used and liked. If this is not clear please ask again. I really would like to streamline my work a bit. I have been a SOT member since the beginning and when I get time (I still have dial-up, so it takes longer) I try to keep up with the message boards, but do miss a few days here and there.
(I also have alot of problems with my thumb joints and would rather type then hold a pen)
So in conclusion, any and all advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
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