I just spent a few hours with Representative Isett, and we are fine tuning the substitute bill. Any display over the Internet will be prohibited. Individual copies will be available at the Court House and can be digitized to be sent by fax, email etc. Bulk transfer of ditized images outside the jurisdiction will be prohibited.
"Public" will finally be defined in the only way our forefathers could have imagined. Public will be anyone within the jurisdiction whether they live there or have traveled there. "Access" as it relates to "public" will also return to it's original meaning as it was invisioned by the original authors of the FOIA and state open records acts.
The loopholes that allowed the imaging companies to claim ownership over the images the taxpayers paid them to create are also being closed. Technology compainies will maintain ownershiip of their programs as they should, but will have no right to claim ownership or control of the data compiled by their software. This is also as it should be. Can you imagine if Quickbooks claimed ownership of the information you enter into their program?
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