I understand your point of view, however if TitleSearch USA goes down, some other company will step in to take their business, and maybe that company will be better suited to pay its abstractors on time. It just isn't right to keep contractors waiting months at a time when we have put time and money into these searches. Also, TitleSearch USA has opened a new office in Chicago just this last year, maybe their plans on expanding are costing them too much. Their original payment policy was "end of the month plus 30 days", they couldn't even abide by their own policy (which at that is pretty long). We're not doing charity work here, these companies expect their work back either the same day or next day at the latest. I am going to provide that service to my customers who actually pay me in a reasonable time frame. If I cannot count on TitleSearch USA to pay me without having to wait 3 to 6 months at a time, they cannot count on me. What if every company started doing this? Where would we be? You might look at this a little differently because you're working for a huge Title Company, but quite a few of us in this forum are self employed, no guaranteed pay check every two weeks. I can't even get them to pay me $260.00 they owe from last year. So I should just keep trying to work with them when they really could care less about being reasonable with me? I hope this isn't taken as a hostile tone, that is not my intent. I did try to work with this company, but like I said, after waiting months for payment, I could not continue the work for them. Am I missing something? Does someone have another perspective on this?
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