We verify every aspect of the application, verify employment history, E&O coverage and all. The $100 fee is for the cost to create and keep up with the testing being online, the question data base and web hosting and technology, etc.
Once the data base is up and running, there will be many state specific questions. So when we get your application, process it and give your id to enter the site and take the test, your state will be entered and questions specifically to your state will be randomly chosen for you. No 2 tests will be alike.
It is our goal in the future to have ALTA ans other state associations back this testing. I already have Virginia ready to jump on board once we get the test finalized.
Don't you want your clients to know that you are committed to your profession?
If agencies, underwriters, lawyers, and so forth have to be licensed, shouldn't we be certified as well? After all, it is those people who use our search notes to create the insurance policies for the real property.
We are the insurance . Wake up. If a deal goes bad because something is missed during the search, our azz is the one on the line. Our E&O, our pockets. Take a stand. Show your professionalism, knowledge and expertise! How can we be taken seriously and not be called the bottom of the chain if we don't do something to prove our wroth in this industry?
The liability question goes out to Jay or Robert....
Shannon Blatt
Education & Training
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