My goal for the testing is something to the effect of this: accessed with a user name and password that will only be good for a certain period of time, say 10 days. You log in and click on start. You are timed, I am thinking of 90 minutes. Small corner of screen will keep your time, questions remaining and questions completed and questions marked to return to. You get a multiple choice question with a,b,c,d answers, true false, etc... Click on the correct answer, mark it to come back to it later, or not, continue to next question. When done, review marked questions, click submit and done. Haven't decided whether to have it scored and given to applicant right then or to generate a report and send it to the committee to notify the applicant.
Time runs out, your done. Time left, you can finish or review.
I have about 400 questions so far for the data base. A paper test will be given at the conference after an application and $100 application/testing fee is turned in.
There will be no study materials given out for the test. After all, you need 3 years experience to even become certified, so if you can't answer questions about your profession you do on a daily basis, something is wrong.
Each person wanting to be certified must have a membership. If they are an employee, their employer does not have to be a member, but the individual does. Then a letter of recommendation from employer is needed. If applicant is a self employed, 2 references or letters of reference/recommendation is needed.
Shannon Blatt
NALTEA Education/Training Committee
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