Many years ago while doing research at the Ohio Historical Center on a railroad job, I killed time while I was waiting for various maps (they only let me have one at a time), looking into my family in the Civil War. I found one somewhat amusing. A twenty-three year old lieutenant who had a thirty-two year old uncle under his command. I recall thinking that it must have been a somewhat uncomfortable situation for both of them.
I quite enjoyed Gettysburg, but I have to also recommend Antietam. Such a massive waste. Seeing Sunken Road just makes you shake your head regarding the strategy. The site has been kept quite pristine.
For a good civil war read, I don't think you can do any better than Bruce Catton's trilogy. I first read it thirty-five years ago in junior high, and reread it about ten years ago. I agree with Lin that Ambrose is a great read also.
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