I am. Just on the other side in the War Between the States. I got a great great grandmother who had a home in Arkansas, that was taken over by a Yankee general, as Grant was laying seige to Vicksburg. The story is that while the general treated her and the family with a certain amount of respect, one day he had a woman of ill repute, a camp follower as she was called in his letters, and one day she was making some awfully rude remarks about the South, so my grandmother back a few generations. had the woman removed from our family home and then personally dug up the woman's footprints from the premises and had the dirt thrown off the property. Interesting lady. Interesting tale.
I've read Ambrose. Meet him once when he was living near my home in South Mississippi. He was sure an interesing fellow. Shelby Foote's book "The Civil War, A Narrative is a good one to read too.
Take care,
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