Larry - most companies will give you definitions of what they call what when you initially sign up with them. Have you looked in their file for this possible document? I have to agree with everyone else, if I am not sure what the seawrch entails, I call the client and confirm everything. Also, as most have said I do a full current owner whether or not the client asks for it for my own benefit - because I could not imagine why one would not need everything searched. However, lately someone said to me - well they don't care because they are first lienholder anyway. What amazes me is too many companies are going with credit reports - which is not always the way to go - those child support liens will not show and the people that they send to pick up judgments at the courthouse only pick up ones over a certain amount. Now someone who has great credit might have this great credit because they never paid child support - so they could afford all of their bills - but there exists a huge child support lien on the property. Add a few miscellaneous other ones and this person is likely just to let it go to foreclosure and then where is this lending institution when the foreclosure doesn't cover the balance of this first lien because their "thought" of person had great credit. Maybe someone in the lending industry could comment on this post and let us all know why we are asked sometimes to only produce D/T liens and nothing else.
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