Speaking for myself only. I can say I have not been let down. I've read every one of these posts. Not necessarily for entertainment either but more out of curiosity for the end solution and how it will be reached (maturely/rationally/professionally v. defensively) This action speaks louder to me than the words of defense driven post hashing out the same right v. wrong topic over and over again. I have to admit in the beginning with the responses back and forth it started to look as though the hopes of resolution were so far away that many reputations would be scarred by that point.
It is actually very pleasing to see so much more "postitive" communication happening now. Communication toward a "better end" instead of communication as to who is who, what is what, and right v. wrong. One thing I've learned is that the tone of writtnen communication is in the eye of the beholder and often dictated by what type of day this person has had. I've also learned that when publicly displaying the need to "prove" right v. wrong, that we directly and indirectly place others in; as well as take a defensive stance our selves. I haven't seen too many problems resolved in my life time where everyone involved is on the defensive. At some point the parties have to place their personal emotions aside and seak a more rational fact based means to end the debate excluding opinions. This, personally is where I think attorney's are great. =)
just some outside thoughts from me.
I truly hope all is resolved in an efficient and timely manner for everyone involved.
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