Thanks for the wakeup call! You are absolutely correct and I should have stuck to my initial theory that far too much time and consideration will be placed hurting another and/or his/her business.
I did take the time this morning to gather information to support my claims against Mr. Davis. I was going to prepare my thread in hopes it would stimulate arbitration between the two of us on this forum and thus, create a foundation that others may find useful as well. However, after reading your thread and really thinking it through, I am beginning to feel as if more than anything else, it will be to the amusement of others and that is not helpful to anyone.
So, my FINAL position on this topic is this: When you charge someone for a service, provide it. When you have questions or concerns regarding any aspect of your service, state them to the appropriate individuals in a professional, courteous manner. Stay clear of public forums to place blame, slander or degrade another.
I hope I have not let anyone down by taking the "high road" after consideration, however, I do believe it is the wise thing to do at this point after much thought.
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