Are you being sarcastic or am I taking your words the wrong way?
I feel like you are attacking me, I hope I am wrong. Maybe I am too sesitive right now to read the board. My 9 year old daughter is having open chest surgery next month and my 17 year old son will be having surgery on this hand this week due to an accident he had last Monday night. This may not be the best time for me to be participating on this board.
I was merely asking Robert to encourage everyone to make amends.
I don't speak for the owners of SOT but I have known Robert for over a year and know that he would want everyone to resolve their issues and do the right thing. So, maybe I am speaking for him and for everyone else on this board that wants to see the right thing done. I am sure we all want to see the right thing done. Sometimes, even if you are wrong, doing something to correct a problem that you are not even responsible for, just for peace, is better than doing nothing at all.
I wish you the best and maybe I will stay off of here for a while.
Loretta Reed,
Prosperity Abstracting, LLC
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