Hey All!
For a couple hours I have been contemplating this "SOT Hearing" we have been throwing around. Initially, my position was not to embarrass or degrade Mr. Davis on this public forum more than I may already have by simply stating clear and present facts regarding the service Statewide Settlement, Inc. and the company I was formerly affiliated with, Countywide Abstract, Inc., has received by him in some form or fashion.
Furthermore, if previous threads are re-read, you will see that I decided to get involved in this discussion not only to represent the service received by Mr. Davis at SWS via CWA, but also in defense of the other two companies who were placed on Mr. Davis' SH..List in such a distasteful and unprofessional manner!
In many ways, I stand firm in that position. However, I also believe strongly in the direction we as Title/Settlement and Abstracting Professionals are trying to take our industry both internally (company wide) and externally (nation/client wide) within the industry.
Thus, I would be more than happy to present any and all facts that support my professional belief that Mr. Davis' service, to this point, provided to SWS either directly or indirectly (via CWA) has been sub-par. I DO NOT feel the need to "prove" my position regarding his unprofessional demeanor as I think it is very clear via his threads.
I will submit "evidence" gathered internally (regarding the inefficient recording information received, yet, demand for payment) and with the help of the staff at CWA and Mr. Jason Sheppard at Financial Dimensions, Inc. (again, whose defense I came to for being degraded in such a manner as being place on Mr. Davis' SH..List). I will NOT scan and post any documentation on this or any other public forum, obviously, for privacy issues. I will, however, do my very best to give as much information in a professional manner that will certainly make sense to any abstracting professional.
It may be a couple of days for me to put it together due to my schedule and basically learning about this idea this evening (Sunday), however, I will not leave any of you hanging and look forward to your input, thoughts, ideas and suggestions.
My hope through all of this is that it will help put in place a "counsel" of sorts to work out disputes (arbitrate) and provide input for future discussions, be them good, bad or indifferent. Let's give it a try and see how it goes....JT
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