Thanks for your kind words once again!!!! If you have completed work for us, you know we pay, every time. (Also, please be advised you should see an influx of business from us soon as we are now licensed in 21 states for title insurance and 46 by July!!) We have a two week cycle and instilled the cycle for our abstractors convenience. I completely understand Marc's and anyone's frustration for not being paid as much as anyone although, unfortunately for him, he has never completed work for us and this is the reason I defended my company so strongly. Again, the "stereotypical" company will fight an abstractor for non-payment issues. FDI never does that, period. If something is missed in a search, we simply ask that you correct it. Mistakes happen everywhere!! Of course, everyone has a vendor profile here and with any company. We do not even begin to log mistakes until they become regular. We then contact the vendor and see if we can do anything to help. We develop great relationships with everyone who makes FDI tick. We understand we are only as good as our abstractors. We do not have an automated grading or rating system like most companies. We grade on integrity and utilize who represents FDI in the utmost professional manner. We do not feel computer generated statistics justify an opinion. We have no "problematic" vendors because of this. Thanks again everyone!
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