George - you are in business for yourself you make your own prices. Also you should state the terms in which you charge for certified copy orders instead of regular orders. In my case, I send my orders by the Post Office - they have a mail service called Bulk Rate Priority Mail for $3.85 plus $.45 for signature confirmation. This package can weigh as much as you can cram into it - but you must go through the line and have the postal worker scan the signature confirmation and if it weighs over 16 oz since they now consider anything over this amount a possible bomb - if you dont the package will be returned. My pricing list states a flat fee in addition to my normal retrieval fee for any document that is to be certified to cover the added costs and time in handling a certified order. Some clients provide me with a federal express number - in that case you can have federal express pre-print forms with your business name and theirs to keep in your office with the receiver number already on it and checked - pop it into the package and go for it. You should never be responsible for shipping costs unless you have charged for it as part of your fee like I do. In the case that I am provided the courier number, my fee is reduced to either just a tad bit over the normal fee - not the total fee I charge for the certified order or a small fee for all the orders that I have to package etc instead of per order. But I always charge - when we have to send documents instead of faxing or emailing I have to make copies of my order form that I send them and an extra copy of the invoice to put in the package etc. It's my business I have the right to lower the charge if I want - I'm always fair and my client's know it!
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