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[+] North Star from GA - Sherry Greene/MI (7 replies)
7/26/2019 7:44:44 AM (2705 views)

[+] Chow at CLK Title - g h/SC (2 replies)
7/25/2019 4:32:17 PM (2360 views)

[+] ANY ONE HEARD OF REMEDIAL INFOTECH - Jason Knowles/AL (6 replies)
7/23/2019 3:24:56 PM (2347 views)

[+] BEWARE - Ryaan Tech Solutions Inc. - Robert Weber/PA (4 replies)
7/22/2019 1:16:50 PM (2512 views)

[-] Fought E&O Claim - Ellen Maher/MI (1 reply)
7/18/2019 5:36:45 PM (2801 views)

I fought for all of us-
In 2014 I was notified of a possible claim for a missed mortgage. I had just a note in my file that the mortgage name was transposed but I also remembered the file because it was in 2 counties and I was told to recheck because the other Abstractor had found it. I believe the title company didn't merge our 2 files before closing. Sadly, they refused to accept their responsibility and sued my E&O- they did not sue the other Abstractor?? Anyway,I have spent the last 4 years fighting this. I had insurance to cover this but I refused to settle because I knew I was being truthful. They attacked me on every level, trying to force me by intimidation into paying nearly $300,000 for a $50 order. Finally, 4 years, 2 judges and 2 different cases, and I won and the case dismissed. It has been a nightmare! I have worked very little because of the stress and the huge increase in my E&O premium for having an unsettled claim. I am now researching my own lawsuit for lost wages, stress and fraud but need advice and possible names of Michigan Attorneys. Also, Abstractors be very careful documenting errors or the customer may try and throw you under the bus for their mistakes!! Feel free to message me at emabstract@yahoo.com and any help would be appreciated.

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Re: Fought E&O Claim - Judy Maclauchlan/LA
8/12/2019 12:22:08 PM (1601 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Title Solutions, Inc. NOT CLOSING (Virginia) - Hugh Ickrath/VA (1 reply)
7/16/2019 1:25:49 PM (3215 views)

[+] Judgment Reporting - F P/VA (21 replies)
7/16/2019 12:13:18 PM (3045 views)

Working on opening title company - Miranda Geist/PA
7/16/2019 10:48:51 AM (2054 views)

[+] Title Solutions - Closed - Jay Duncan/MO (4 replies)
7/13/2019 10:23:33 AM (2794 views)

[+] AAPL Standards - Larry Platt/PA (1 reply)
7/12/2019 11:30:57 AM (1871 views)

[+] ALTA Security Breach - Jay Duncan/MO (1 reply)
7/8/2019 9:33:41 AM (2752 views)

[+] Zillow doing title searches - F P/VA (4 replies)
7/4/2019 12:12:09 AM (3562 views)

[+] Lumar Docs - Amber Townsend/MD (6 replies)
6/27/2019 12:22:27 PM (2520 views)

[+] PNA Title Services - Judy Nisonger/CA (4 replies)
6/25/2019 3:23:40 PM (2587 views)

[+] Fees - Judy Nisonger/CA (6 replies)
6/25/2019 3:05:50 PM (2402 views)

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We are an AMERICAN production and marketplace company, working with most of the major underwriters and Seeking LOCAL independant title searcher(s) for regular work in the following PA counties:
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