Well maybe the software companies can do it more efficiently than we can,Or at least squeak out of accuracy rather efficiently.
So let's do a current owner search for $20.00.
Of course, All companies you work for would have to accept the same disclaimer that is on every website, This website is for informational purposes only, the agency which provides this website takes no liability for any records reported. Legitimate or otherwise. Any Misspelling, incorrect/excluded legal description, Yada Yada Yada! How do you think any company would feel if that was on the bottom of a search right next to the thru date. And maybe a tiny little disclaimer in a 2 point font that says this title is only covered by E&O if search was performed on any Monday thru Friday from 8:00 A.M. thru 5:00 P.M. in an actual courthouse setting, it is up to the requester
to determine if courthouse records were used.
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