I can certainly sympathize with you on this one. It seems to have begun, in large part, when the lenders acquired the means to convey closing documents via email. When they were sent overnight, the closing instructions would need to be completed the day before closing prior to their overnight pickup. The agent would receive closing instructions/figures via fax.
The technology allowing them to transmit the documents instantly, at less expense, for a smoother closing process, seems to have had an unfortunate side-effect. The lenders, busy as they are, seem to have allowed themselves the luxury of preparing the loan documents a day later, thus creating the problem that you now lament.
We try to remain cheerful and do what needs to be done to get the loan closed and funded on time. There have been times when the closing figures arrived after the closing was scheduled to begin and we still had to travel to close the loan remotely. If at all possible, we would scramble to accommodate.
As to the RESPA requirement that a borrower receive the HUD 24 hours in advance of closing, I can say that, in the course of 2 home purchases, 1 home sale and several refinances, I have never received a copy of the HUD in advance of closing. The best that I ever received is an estimated amount, by phone, barely in time to get certified funds to cover line 303.
In my experience, the problem of late documents seems to occur almost always with the large indirect lenders. Local banks lending directly and mortgage bankers who are in control of doc prep tend to prepare and send the figures in plenty of time for a smooth closing.
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