Ray, this is not against you or anything but I have to laugh every time I see someone ask this question.
Try and do a search of the past messages posted here on the forum about learning, becoming a title examiner, etc....
It is NOT a career/job to learn by a class or a book or an online course. It must be hands on taught by someone with many years of experience or by getting a job with an attorney or title company who can train you properly.
And if you plan to do this as a self employment type of thing, you need to have errors & omissions insurance as well. And most of the companies out there will not insure anyone with less than 3 years experience. If you can find someone who does, you premiums will most likely be in excess of $3000 a year for a $500,000 policy.
And if you do plan on doing it the self employed way, keep in mind the upfront costs of a cell phone, fax machine, paper, pens, gas to travel, car insurance to pay for because it will go up being you will be using it for business reasons now, a computer if you want to be able to bill your clients or receive orders on line/email, a billing program, health insurance, and some other items I probably can't think of right now.
Just my 2 cents.
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