Oh Adrienne you are so right and I wanted to share a thought I had as I was asked to do an update on a prior search done by another abstractor for a nationwide title company. I told the company I will have to do my own current owner as I will not just update another's work. Anyway, I found a child support lien on one around 60,000. Now this man's house was worth oh about 300,000. This child support lien was not picked up before my searching even though it should have been included in the prior search which led me to believe that possibly the man's credit report was okay and they were asked to find mortgages only. I know this title company has 2 guys that I know of in Dallas county do mortgages only on all searches as they are equity or HELOC loans. Just made me mad - I thought I guess this man does have great credit if he isn't supporting his kids by this company is going to have a hell of a time if this would have been foreclosed on before I caught the lien. I wonder if they gave him the loan after I did the search.
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