Hey maybe we could ask our clients to absolve us all from any kind of liability then we can maintain these ridiculous rates we are charging, or, if we are one of the higher charging abstractors reduce it by $10.00 - would you all do that - and if you would - what would happen to all the searches that we all turn down because you would have no choice but to go to the courthouse - and we no longer go? What would our clients do with all of those - if we all turned them down - the ones that involve probates, divorces, too old to find, the ones that seem too difficult, the ones with so many judgments on them - you know the ones that some of us are only getting? Maybe we should have an online price and a courthouse price? Yes, I am being facicious - but really what if? We are playing soft ball when we should be playing hard ball because soft ball isn't going to get us anywhere.
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