I agree. I think what bothers me most is that the company, REIData/Stewart Title, is actually saying that this technology will make it easier for less experienced searchers to do more complex jobs. I don't think that is true. The experience is what makes it possible for the searcher to recognize problems on the documents he/she reviews - finding the documents is only a small part of the job.
Technology may be able to make a searcher more efficient, but it isn't going to necessarily make them capable of doing more complex searches. If they couldn't handle the complicated searches using the county records - I don't believe they will be able to handle them using this platform either.
It reminds me of the Holiday Inn Express commercials - you know the ones where those who stay at a Holiday Inn Express are able to overt nuclear meltdowns, or conduct brain surgery. They make for cute commercials, but one really has nothing to do with the other.
Robert A. Franco
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