Deb, I cover = essex, middlesex, worcester suffolk franklin . Unfortunatley I seen your posting to find old friends, fellow abstractors when you were living in MA. Cant seem to reconize the name. Although doesnt mean we didnt cross paths at some time. I appreciate your enthuthiasum, Deb, I beleive from your Resume you will not have a problem whatsover in finding a job within this industry. As you know Massachusetts has its own standards and guidelines within this industry and for you to go out on your own weather it be 15 years ago, or yesterday that takes alot of guts, determination and ethics. I wish you the best for whatveer you are seeking and would love to hear back from you regarding you stint in Massacusetts (would have to assume you were a worcester rat) no harm intended (thats what we call them :::: down in the hole, no lights, books that fall apart when you open them) Can You Remember YEAH
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