9 counties, 25+ clients; some regular, some not. 1 abstractor, 1 secretary, 1 office person--me. I am horrible with my bookkeeping and while I have a brand new computer, scanner, etc., I haven't had time to mess w/it. I am probably one of the only ones left who keeps handwritten records and sends handwritten invoices. Thank goodness for those who auto pay. I am grateful I have work that keeps me busy but I really need to get on the stick and get computerized. I know it would make my life easier but once the wknd. is here, I don't want anything to do w/work. If it wasn't such a crappy rainy wknd., I wouldn't even be on this computer right now. To all who may have loved ones in the service or who may have lost one who served our country, much apprecitaion to you and to them.
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