Granted these records are public. However they were never "public" to Nigerian identity thieves, stalkers sitting in their underwear in front of their home computers or terrorists searching high pressure gas lines from a Pakistani Internet Cafe. Foreign governments and companies never claimed they had a right to access your records until all of this was made possible by this foolish rush to inappropriate technology.
Virginia citizens or those from any other state were never threatened until some of your legislators decided to publish the records of their citizens outside of their jurisdictionl. I doubt Collin Powell considers his social security number or that of his wife's "public" information. Evidently the VA county displaying these numbers does.
It is all so uneccessary. No one was put at risk by the search I just faxed to my client. Yes, it is less convenient for me. But my convenience is less important to me than the security of this community.
Well, time to drive to the next county. I will be faxing as I drive and my client may never know I took these few minutes to write. They probably won't mind anyway. This particualar company recognizes their most important asses is their network of abstractors and Internet searches are a threat to their business, their family and their neighbors.
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