Your mobile office sounds soooooooooooooooo cool.
About that article, I found it to be extremely informative and helpful. It's good to know what the VMs are thinking. I firmly believe that the abstractors who are willing to adapt to the changes in the industry will be the successful ones in the future.
I do have one question for all of the abstractors. Most of the abstractor application packages that I have completed and returned have not addressed the issue of experience, the number one concern as suggested by the compiled data. Some do, but most seem to ask for countys covered, price and turnaround time. Are you surprised, as I am, to see experience being the number one concern?
And a question for the authors: It is helpful, in looking at a survey, to know the number of persons questioned. This lets us determine for ourselves whether we believe the survey results offer a fair representation of the industry as a whole. Knowing how the questions were phrased also says alot about the context in which the answers are given. I'm guessing that, in this case, the questions were pretty straight-forward, but I would be interested to see the wording nonetheless.
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