Oh Julie - I bet I know that company - the price and slow pay was a key! They are the ones offering E&O insurance now to their abstractors - I got an email even from them - and they need to because the ones doing these 60 year searches are looking for deed references from deed to deed - not checking inbetween and not checking any kind of other document during the 60 year search. I've seen it and the day all this bites them in the A** is the day I will say - you got what you deserved - because you get what you pay for. It isn't worth it - I charge that for a current owner sometimes. And the abstractors that tell me what they charge for commercial say they have NEVER gotten the hard commercial searches like I have. They have only gotten 1 D/T and maybe a miscellaneous doc. See some companies know what you will be up against and they don't send certain ones to the less experienced but somehow they want to send me all the hard ones and pay me like the others - hello? I don't mind the extensive ones - more challenging to me and not so boring but I'm going to get paid for it. You did right and stick to your guns, I don't think it is going to be much longer until these less experienced cut-throat abstractors will be around.
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