I was referring to courthouse records only and just added the comments that it additionally increased the online record searching deficit. I don't know how old you are so that would make a difference - back along time ago (showing my age here) records were split between Deed records, Deed of Trust Records, UCC, Federal Tax, Etc and indexed in microfilm and/or handwritten books. A merger of deed records and deed of trust records took place along with assignments, releases and such into "Real Property Records." At the courthouse while these computers state 1974 forward several types of records were still in individual handwritten indexes such as uccs, federal tax liens, etc. While these records are now indexed in computers only now, the computer says 1974 forward, federal tax liens could still be in books through the late 1990s. So an abstractor would have to go to the hand-written books for federal tax liens from 1995-1999 which are still in books and then go to the computer for the rest of the years even though the courthouse computer says 1974 forward they are not all in there. I just had mentioned it was an added risk to those using online services because they do not have access to all the records to do the search whether or not they think they do - because some are only housed at the courthouse.
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