Kim in EVERY SINGLE ONE of my counties that companies are using online records - you don't understand, most of the use of online services are companies - out of state nationwide companies, etc. not abstractors (at least not the experienced ones) that are using online services. I don't know when you started in the business but maybe you should double check with one of the clerk's where the records are. Some of my computer records are back to 1974 - BUT NOT ALL RECORDS. Some of the records have are on there from 1995 forward, some from 2003 forward etc and they don't tell you that. Example - Denton County, TX - goes back some 20-30 years for MOST records. However, you have to go to hand-written books for UCC and other liens up to a certain year that is still within the statutory limits for this state. Same in Dallas County and Collin county. In Dallas and Collin some of these records are computerized but not within the real property records that are indexed - they are completely separated and none of which are online with any secondary company or otherwise. The online services also do not allow you to search the way the indexes are at the courthouse that picks up assignments and releases. Some are listed under the Mortgagors' names but not consistently and not for very many years. Only way to pick up these in Texas are by running the legal which capability is not available in any of these counties online. This is causing major dollars to be spent by the Lenders to refile assignments and releases already there and being reported by nationwide doc companies utilizing online searches as "not filed of record." I have seen the same assignment filed as many as 6 times. And I am sure they are trying to go to the person responsible for the filings and cause a lawsuit; or if within their company firing them - another possible lawsuit. Could you imagine being fired for something that you really did do right? Down the line - blame, blame, blame - shuck off the responsibility - but whose responsibility is it to assure that the abstractor they are having do the work is qualified? I would think the one sending the order. If and when these things keep going wrong, these doc retrieval companies that are doing our work will be found out because there will be no one to sue for these orders. I am sure that most lenders do not know that the nationwide companies are inhousing some of these orders but when they ask to sue the abstractor and they have no name to give - what is going to happen?
Our surveyors and engineers are trying to do their own work too and it is a mess! I get parts of projects now. But when I get into the project and I have to start where they thought they did the research and I have to tell them - no this area is not one platted area - it is 2 with 2 other indiv owners inbetween and these lot numbers that you gave me are not here - this is a completely different set of lots and blocks - I have had them tell me do the entire project. When will they learn! And this is even when our counties are putting up on the site - this is informational only - title research should only be done at the courthouse.
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