Some companies have an automatic resend after 48 hours - that includes sending out on Friday afternoon and you can get a late notice on Monday morning or say Sunday night. After that it keeps continuing until they sign the order off which could be a certified copy in the mail. Yes, it can be irritating especially when it is a company that sends once a month and you pay for 7 faxes. I have most of mine come by email, by the companies that can send that way, and I just hit reply and confirm the order. Others I hit receive and return by fax but it will not stop the continued. I tried to get companies to sign that they received my orders and send back confirmation - they won't do it for me! I would also rather send back confirming receipt other than getting a phone call - those keep me from my work. I think we have all felt what you have felt Scott - especially when times were when the fax didn't stop ringing and there were so many problems with companies losing orders that were already sent. And actually your idea of sending back everyone sent to you isn't such a bad idea - sometimes people don't understand how costly and aggravating it can be unless the act is actually done specifically to them. They just might take time to figure out how to leave weekends out of the 48 hour turn around time. I have never done that to companies either but if any of us even try to tell you that on a day that nothing was going right they didn't feel like doing it - I think you can say they are quite dishonest - we are all human - we all get irritated - we all have bad days! And bottom line, we are at the bottom of everything - that means we get the grunt of things - its much easier to push aggravation down the line instead of up the line - ya know what I mean.
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