Hi Lisa,
I do want to add these other services to my business that turn faxes into emails. But my question is when they do is it sent as the email or an attachment?
The faxes are turned into an email with a file attached that contains the fax.
I think I may have confused quite a few people with my post. I don't work on reports while I drive. The system sends and receives the orders while I drive. Abstracting the report is done the same way we have always done it. We do it by hand at the courthouse while we have the documents in front of us. The only thing that has changed is that we scan the report at the same time we scan any required documents. Two clicks later and the document is on the way to our client while we are driving to the next county.
I do agree with Kevin though. I do think we should probably charge more for this service. I charge more to any client that expects us to type into their site or produce the report on their form. These things do require extra work and I expect to be compensated. I give the client an option. Usually they opt to use our form delivered by fax or email rather than pay the additional fees.
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