Well my solution for orders sent directly to me is that my cell phone picks up emailed orders. While I cannot read attachments, I see the order come in and the county in which it is being sent for because they put it in the subject line for me. If it is a county I am in or a county I am going to, they do not mind me calling and getting the information via my cell phone. Some that do not have email capability in sending send a short note of name and address - county and what they want. I do want to add these other services to my business that turn faxes into emails. But my question is when they do is it sent as the email or an attachment?
It is too cheap not to do that. If in fact it sends as part of the email, I probably would have everyone go back to faxing but I could read it via my cell phone. Sprint carries the phone, as I am sure others do, and you can retrieve email from AOL, Yahoo/SBC, MSN I think and others. I think the mobile office is good for people like David whose routes might include a lot of stop lights etc through these small rural routes giving him time to send orders, etc. but for me on the major highways of Texas answering the phone can be deadly to me. With my cell phone capability, along with the central location of my office, I do fine. When my older son worked for me, and he would luv to come back if anyone wants to swamp me with orders, I would drop the work off and he would invoice and fax orders and take care of the phone calls and getting more orders to me. The capshare would not save copy costs for me as we don't have book copies in very many of my counties only computer and microfilm copies. So I guess what I am saying is that everyone has to find a system that works for them and not everything will work for everyone. While I don't type residential reports, it can be an option for an additional fee. My commercial fee includes a typed report because I don't want anyone to screw up the information I sent in a report to their client. These are too complex sometimes for everyone to understand what belongs where.
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